We are going to look at some hands played on PokerStars 25NL 6Plus Hold’em that were filmed live playing two tables.
We are going to look at an example of keeping a pot small with our equity so we are not blown of the hand
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We are dealt 6♦ 10♦ in late position, this is going to be pretty much the bottom of our range, even for entering limped pots, the main thing this hand has going for it is the fact it is suited and flushes are very valuable in 6Plus hold’em as they outrank even full houses and quite often if you make a flush vs another good hand you will not get credit for having a flush as they are so unlikely.
So with this in mind, we don’t mind playing the suited gapped connector, so we opt to limp behind the other action.
The Flop
8♠ 6♥ 8♦
This isn’t a terrible board for us, we have two pair and back door straight and flush possibilities. However there is no need for us to bloat the pot now, we are too easily beat and even if we are good right now we will only be getting action from hands that have a lot of equity or have us crushed. We are checked to and are last but one to act, so there is some merit to just betting here and trying to win the $2.38 in the pot right now, however we choose to take the conservative path, avoid being check-raised off our equity in the pot and simply look to take a card off and see what develops with a smaller pot, so we check and as does the player behind us.
The action turn
9♦ hits the turn, so now the board reads 8♠ 6♥ 8♦ 9♦
This gives us two pair still and now a gutshot straight flush draw, with any 7x completing the straight for us, any diamond giving us a flush, as well as any 6x on the river giving us a full house.
We now face a lead of around half pot from one of our opponents betting $1.19 into $2.38, if we raise here as a bluff we may get re-raised and have to fold and with so much equity it would be a shame to get blown off our hand, so once again we take the passive line with our hand and are just looking to improve our hand with a cheap river card. We call and so does the player in first position making the pot now $5.77
The river
7♦ floats down as if from the heavens themselves, giving us a straight flush with the board now reading 8♠ 6♥ 8♦ 9♦ 7♦
Every player’s dream, Unfortunately, though we are checked to, so with our opponents not looking to put any more action in on this street, we go for a small value bet to try and get paid by full houses, other flushes & two pairs, it’s important to bet smaller when your opponents are weaker and with the action the way it went down both seem weak, normally with this type of nut holding I would like to overbet massively and hope my opponent makes some huge mistake with a full house for example.
We end up betting around 80% of the pot; $4.56 in this case and hope to get called, sadly though both our opponents didn’t go for it, but we still end up dragging a nice pot.
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